Alumni Spotlight: The Full-Time MBA Experience with Pedro Morales ’21

A Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) degree seems to be the new necessity in progressing your career to higher levels and reaching your goals. Ask Pedro Morales, a Knauss full-time MBA alumnus, who went from being a Brand Manager, to the Commercial Director at his company after graduating in 2021.
Raised in Guadalajara, Mexico, Pedro is one of the many international students who came to study at Knauss School of Business to obtain his higher education. He is now the Commercial Director at Grupo Moravi, managing a sales team of 22 Key Account Managers (KAMs) and 4 sales managers. The experience and knowledge gained in his MBA allows him to thrive in the role reviewing sales plans, collaborating with key stakeholders like doctors and other healthcare professionals, and relationship management with various suppliers.
Q: How did the Knauss School of Business Full-Time MBA program help prepare you for your role as Commercial Director at Moravi?
Pedro: The MBA program helped me drill down my general knowledge in an array of subjects such as accounting and supply chain. I believe it complimented my undergraduate education, and helped me become better equipped to tackle the day-to-day operations in my current role. I use the accounting I learned in my monthly results meeting where the general director and director of strategic development go over monthly sales numbers, costs, etc. and make decisions around those results. Supply chain is the backbone of our company, as we receive around five shipping containers per month, import from 12 different countries, and have to manage the different orders, times, and suppliers.
Q: Which course has had the greatest impact on your career?
Pedro: I greatly enjoyed my two courses with Dr. Pyke as I was interested in Supply Chain and Operations, and it was the area that I most wished to improve at the company. Dr. Pyke is very passionate in the subjects he teaches and the way he explains things made me get more interested in the subject and made it easier for me to understand.
Q: What was your biggest takeaway from the ACCESS Micro Enterprise Program and Sempra Case Study?
Pedro: My biggest takeaway was the opportunity to put into practice what I had learned in my different courses to help somebody with their business. The company I assisted with was a start-up clothing brand and I enjoyed my weekly calls, getting to see the person improve on a consistent basis. It was very fulfilling to see how we improved his business project and the results we obtained.
Q: What was your favorite part about your involvement with Latinx Graduate Student Association as the Director of Communications & Marketing?
Pedro: My favorite part was getting to connect with the Latino community at USD. I had several classmates in the FT program, but getting to know people at other programs, their backgrounds, and goals. It was a great way for us to celebrate and get to know other Latino classmates across campus.
Q: What advice would you give to prospective students looking to get the most out of their graduate education at USD?
Pedro: I would give prospective students the advice to participate in as many events as they can at campus, socialize and make the most of their experience. Two years sounds like a lot of time, but it passes by very quickly!
Schedule a consultation with an MBA admission advisor if you have questions about the program or want to learn more.